
We made a whole presentation about gravity – all the information is in this presentation


Yesterday we created a cardboard/paper boat and we had to make it so it perfectly weighed 1kg,

First we cut the cardboard and shaped it to perfectly make a box and taped it so it could stay together and we haven’t finished it yet.

we only had a few minutes to complete it so that’s why its not complete yet

it was quiet fun, bad sadly I cant show you the results because it has already been token


Thanks for your time 😀

platypuse nest

how are sciemtific technological engingeering and mathematical concepts captured in this image/photograh.

Mathematical = Circle, Very long Oval, Hole

Tech = Modeling

Sience = Digging, cleaning

Engine = Process

Gold Rush!

Today Shaquaniee, Liyah and I worked together to make a presentation

Here it is

Thnx for reading

Aisha 😀


This term we are doing Reading cards, Reading response, and much more fun stuff, and of course I would love to show you it

Thank you for veiwing <33
